I chuckle whenever I am asked what power is. Due to my tender age, teachers often believe that I would answer like most children, and say, "Power is the ability to do something strong.' Quite simple and sincere.
Well, I don't fail to do so.
But I do know the true meaning of power, and it doesn't have one simple meaning.I
I have seen several phases of power and would love to share them with my readers.
The first time I witnessed power was in the labour room. Mum's was Superpower. Thirty hours of labour and loss of blood. Yet we both survived.
Dad's was physical power, working all day at the sawmill to make ends meet. Carrying heavy logs and falling heavy trees. His muscles were so sexy that I wondered how hard it was for Mum to engage a second thought back then.
Pastor Anini had the divine power. With his 'shabalabala', the blind saw, the lame walked, and miracles happened. It was a mysterious power.
General Adams' power was a violent one. Bodies roll with a snap of his fingers. His army came to raid our town one unfortunate night. I was the only who survived—and at the command of General Adams.
I would have called President Bross' power 'supreme' but I realized it has a lot of limitations when he was arrested last night at the Black House.
I stumbled upon Matthew 28:18 yesterday, and I learnt that all powers in Heaven and Earth belong to Jesus. Therefore, I can say that Jesus' power is the Supreme power. The greatest of all.
Mum told me before she died that I had the best power of all. The power to wield and weave words into people's minds. Yes. The writing power with which I am touching your mind right now.