How I Scribble Pain Every Night || by Aderohunmu Abdulrokeeb

FS Review

maybe healing is a monument of fire

that takes thousand steps before landing on the earth 

maybe bliss is the mouth of an impala

that takes all strength before it settles in one's abode 

This garden is filled with broken glasses

and empty cups

it atmosphere reeks of dead roses and sweats of 

boys hunting their shadows in broad daylight

boys planting bookmarks on pages of misery

Somewhere, a boy carries the insignia of joy on a burnt heart

(what does a burnt heart know how to feel?)

his mouth is a dark cave of forbidden memories

but he dares not drool the lavender of his woes:

the society is a cue for homo sapiens 

-- you demur their opinions, you get blamed

-- you accept their opinions, you belong

-- the outcome turns on you, you grapple it alone  

and this is how boys bury their anguish beneath their tongues 

and how they paint it in colours that hide from the eyes

I have learnt how other boys cross the confluence of their pains 

I have learnt how they conscript their bodies into flashy folders 

I have learnt how they refuse to sing the song of homecoming

The night came with its own beauty -- darkness and cool zephyr

so, each time my heart is injured with weapons of human-war

and wants to dissolve into the stillness of a corpse

I scribble my pains all night: purging the woes in my bones

Meet The Author:

ADEROHUNMU ABDULROKEEB is a poet, with the pen name, Bonnylad. He hails from Ogun state, Nigeria. He's jovial and loves the presence of little children. He was the winner of So It Was You poetry contest, February edition.His works has featured in Voice Lux Journal, Kalonopia Magazine, Commune Writers and a few others. He tweets @Abonnylad

Facebook handle— Aderohunmu Abdurrokeeb.


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Fiery Scribe Review