Can You See in This Poem? || by Sulyman Abdulkabeer


Can you see in this poem the hopes and dreams 
Of a nation packed and sealed up in bulk and then kept as though in danger?
Can you see the kids struggling to rise and fight the injustice
Like a turgid gust dragging the dirt and sweeping the floor?

For the land to embrace the cool of a touching rain sent by cloud
Can you see the elders rolling like maggots on their lost long land

Move closer!...

Can you see the written constitution getting torn,
Rotting away in the library of negligence and dying like a deoxygenated brain 
As the lawmakers awaken dutifully to the slumbering of our nation 
Awaiting the leaders to reshape the land with their bent hands?

In this poem, can you see the hidden tales of our nation
Filled in the mouth of future kiddos cursing the useless wits of their forefathers
Watching the cheat hijack the nook and cranny of our atmosphere?

Can you see clearly the lens of my eyes clouded by the blood of depression
Rolling down my cheek then running into my mouth
Killing the heart and kidneys of the forthcoming generation housed in me?

Can you see the helpers dodging under my foot and marching,
Downing my joy in yearning for an unbeknownst future 
One which would soon birth in me a new hope and rebuild a home of happiness and ecstasy?

Where's the hope after it's been buried amidst faith in the hole of forgetfulness?
Where then is the supposed 'bright future' of the so called nation?

Image Credit: Natalie Baykalova (


SULYMAN ABDULKABEER is an emerging Nigerian poet. He writes from Ilorin, Kwara state and he studies at Usman Danfodiyo University Sokoto, Nigeria. His poem titled "Dilemma" was shortlisted on Better than Starbucks 2021 Issues.

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