The Incident || Lisa Thornton

by Lisa Thornton Combing through my memories in the manner of  that girl’s mother dragging the tool through my matted…

Wind Blown Thistles || Leslie Cairns

by Leslie Cairns Find me the most where five unforgettable pieces fall. One is a wedding: cocoa, thistle, wind-blow…

I Am a Boy || Ozota Gerald Obinna

by Ozota Gerald Obinna I grew up a boy (or maybe not) so I know how hard it is to carry an identity; especially o…

Darker Ways to Drown || Sara Aultman

by Sara Aultman brackish water stains your mouth, salt cuts old wounds  never quite healed right on that whiplash tongu…

Pavement Pity Party || Nia Harries

by Nia Harries I remember when you cut my heart in two  with your tongue. Words lashing  in drunken haste, but there …

Three Poems || Bailey Loveless

by Bailey Loveless   I must have done something wrong with my cottage in the woods.   For instead of fair winged fairie…

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