Dusk || Mary Marie Dixon



by Mary Marie Dixon

Clouds darken like molasses 

A painfully slow leaching of dusk

Vesper sparrows drop their songs 

And guard their ground nests 

The true frame of night 

Is disrupted by the coming storm

So like the interjections of fate 

As shadows elongate 

It is said in this tween light 

One can transit the divine worlds

But only death can drag the soul 

Through dusk to the other world 

In this loess prairie of wind-blown dust

Blue grama grass survives 

Drought and the cultivation 

Of ancient prairies

Through the bridge between night and day

Squall and calm, progress and reclamation,

Liminal beings, we bloom at dusk like evening primroses

Until the dawn whisks us away


MARY MARIE DIXON, a visual artist and poet, has published creative and academic works in various periodicals and anthologies, and a collection of poetry, Eucharist, Enter the Sacred Way, Franciscan University Press, 2008. Her focus is on women’s spirituality and the mystics, combined with the Great Plains and the spiritual power of nature. She has exhibited her visual work and accompanying poetry in galleries and explores the visual and poetic intersection in her creative life. She loves stars, sunrises, and sunsets on the open plains! https://www.facebook.com/pages/Mary-Marie-Dixon/104361173006800


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