Beyond Dreich Weather || Ceinwen Haydon

by Ceinwen Haydon

Drizzle and fog will soon give way
to ice and snow, or so the forecast says.
I walk Ross sands in fresh north-easterlies
and clear my haunted head. I look forward
to clearer, colder skies. Hope I can stay upright
when this cold snap arrives. My hiking boots
are worn, and lack a good tread to grip
hard-frosted ground. Now I need
Nordic poles, more to balance
than power-walk. Slippy
seaweed or claggy veneers
on rocks can swiftly upend me.
Yet still, stiff limbs aside, I greet
winter’s shorter days. Slow times
to remember all I tried to do, for years,
is not completely lost. I turn my face towards
the setting, teatime sun: a heron, silhouetted
flies. I realise, after my eventual demise
drizzle and fog will soon give way.



Ceinwen E Cariad Haydon (MA, Creative Writing, Newcastle University, 2017).

Ceinwen lives near Newcastle upon Tyne, UK and writes short stories and poetry. She is widely published in online magazines and in print anthologies. Her first chapbook is 'Cerddi Bach' [Little Poems], Hedgehog Press, July 2019. Post-retirement from social work, she is developing practice as participatory arts facilitator. She believes everyone's voice counts.


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