A Poetry of the Dead & the Dying || Alec Juarez

by Alec Juarez

now tell me

have you ever been witness


extended-release suicide

metered out s l o w l y over time

blackout nights numb faces 

watching your friends fade

and i mean really fade away

bit by bit hit by

hit and never really satisfied

i mean never satisfied i’m talking

a chronic desire to escape the present

moment this moment right

here right now are you following me now

it looks different for everybody

in my case it came in 1 gram bags

20 dollar rocks and a mountain of empties

growing in my kitchen like mold 

i got better i really did but then

i got way worse chopping up

china white in the bathroom again

i’m telling you

i’ve personally

seen the best minds of my generation

destroyed from the inside out

but never no i would never

call it madness no if anything

they’re icarus-types

no this world wasn’t too much for them

they were too much for this world

i still remember the day Al died

shot himself in the head with his dad’s gun

behind an elementary school late at night

kids found him during morning recess the next day

he’d been teaching english in thailand

saw some fucked up stuff

his note said people just weren’t nice

enough to each other in this world

he wasn’t wrong.


well they say that your heart is a muscle

the size of your fist

i guess mine’s out of shape

Image Credit: Unsplash


Alec Juarez is a non-binary Latinx writer from Grand Rapids, MI in recovery from addiction to heroin and crack cocaine.

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  1. my favorite part is all the plagiarism

  2. Yes, Alexander Juarez. The famous Latinx poet whose mother is a Midwestern white, and father is from Spain.

  3. This is the worst shit I have ever read.

  4. Not sure you want to platform a white guy who claims to be latinx and queer to excuse his inappropriate behavior towards women of color and women in general. Doesn’t look good. Spanish Rachel Dolezal. A white guy from a fairly wealthy midwestern suburb who has taken advatange of black, brown, mentally ill, and homeless women for his own sexual gratification. Literally evil. He claims he’s also a crack or heroin addict. He tried each drug like once, and claims he’s an addict to garner sympathy. In reality, he treats his own brother and friends like guinea pigs by pressuring them into doing drugs he ordered from the darkweb. When they overdose he cries because, “it could have been him”. When it works out, he claims that he paid for the drugs and they owe him $$ because he let them try his drugs.

  5. Alexander Juarez is a rapist.

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